the flu bug has hit me since Monday, but im doing fine. prettyyyy fine. definitely it has to end sooner or later. from the 1st day, i was prepared. i know that i was not the only friend. but i had no regrets. and there will be no turning back. i will miss the 4 years of friendship. unpredictable. ive contained the mixed feelings. hatred just fills the air. better still. it eases the whole process. perhaps. yet the dream seemed real. as days go by, those memories will be erased. I PROMISE myself.
practicum is at its best. the school's great. the best in the zonal area. i love my CTs(cooperating teachers); damn flexible and helpful, the other 6 trainees are awesome. staff room, staff lounge and the kitchens are like my 2nd home. and i really save my meal allowance. the benefit of becoming a Homec teacher. although lesson plans are giving me panda eyes and nerve wrecking, i sooooo enjoy my stay, though its only the 1st week of my practicum. tooo early to predict. 9 more to go and the upcomimg week will mark the start of my teaching. the sec 1s are the adorable and chatty bunch, the sec 5s are damn hilarious and playful at times. same frequency in conversations.
aiming for a Distinction and hoping to have this school as my permanent posting come May. it is really up to a whole lot of benefits. 5-10 minute walk from home, food is either provided or at a verrryyy cheap price, discipline wise its manageable compared to other zonal schools, flexible dressing, etc.
i badly need to destress for now. March holiday's round the corner. BEST lah.
:: ffy 01:32am ::
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Pink Panther is ABSOLUTELY hilarious. 90% of the show we were laughing. and the GV PS Cinema was full house. the more the merrier ain't it. we sooooo love the movie. lunch yesterday was at FISH & CO Glasshouse. today will be at SEOUL GARDEN Causeway Pt with the cousin & hubby. i think i AM really growing FAT. heck. cos tomorrow onwards i will be having canteen food. sooo enjoy while it lasts. and having to wake up just like those secondary school days is NO big joke. MY GOODNESS. for 5 freaking years. im sooooo NOT in favour. *siggghhhh*. its all a passion for teaching.
:: ffy 10:50am ::
Saturday, February 18, 2006
im supposed to be having my shower now and get ready to meet the pakcik. but here i am typing this entry away and happily eating the Laksa which my grandma packed for me yesterday. no partying this weekend but just spending quality time with the loved ones before i begin another new journey come Monday. wtf. was supposed to bring mum, the niece, bro and elder cousin to the 24hr TCC at Somerset yesterday in the late night. but for having only few hours of sleep due to last min Consumer Education assignment, i had a terrible migraine. i gave up the idea eventually and zonked out with the niece.
okay2. i shall end it here for now. the pakcik woke up already and im still not yet ready. damn shitty. I'LL BE BACK.
p/s: to mak esah, yes. thanks for the wish tt i will be fat. cos i THINK I AM now. shall we go for a jog together then? and also thanks for wishing me in getting a DISTINCTION for practicum. if it comes true, the 1st person tt i will bring for a treat is U. YES U MAK ESAH.
:: ffy 02:55pm ::
Sunday, February 12, 2006
got a hunch mum knew abt my rendezvous every wkend. heeehh. 1st she asked, "hari tu gi hooray-hooray (what a word), minum eh?" and then she asked this few days back, "saturday gi hooray-hooray lagi?". banyak ckp banyak bohong ah. didnt want to divulge more. and so i kept my ans short and sweet.
on saturday, we decided to go on a healthy lifestyle. bowling it was at Taman Jurong. afterwhich supper at West Coast. to celebrate in advc. 1 more week to practicum. *jitters*
off to MOMO with the convoy and the pakcik who pissed me off earlier. blardy hell.
:: ffy 08:30pm ::
Thursday, February 02, 2006
been busy. in fact acting busy. as ive got a new hobby. online shopping at yahoo auction. YES. im sooooo loving it. addictive. and ive few transactions to settle. more bags and hair clips. many more awaiting. and i sooooo gonna get tt Charles & Keith brown leather bag. tt is if there are still available stocks. *prays hard*.
my won bids. brand new sweet hair clip,$12.90
its the olive green im eyeing with the corsage,$16
handbag for work,$8.80
brand new items and price inclusive of registered mail cluth/sling bag,$20. self collect
my bid on the waiting list. patiently awaiting. hairclip again for the long hair
still considering on this. should i get it?
well well well. enough of online shopping. once i start, i can't stop.
iSzZie's HER ALTER EGO, FFy's THE LAST 3 ALPHA's OF HER NAME. a year older every 22nd September. EDUCATOR. 2 diplomas graduand. SCRAMBLERS HER 1ST LOVE. passport to 2B and perhaps 3. PROCRASTINATOR. perfectionist.
FICKLE - MINDED. hearts DEE who celebrates his birthday 1 day before her. FAMILY GIRL. and i live to eat.
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