<BGSOUND src="http://us.share.geocities.com/honeypiez84/Ashanti-Foolish.mp3" loop=infinite> you stole my heart


Friday, February 27, 2004

2 more wks to go. cant wait to go back to TP. still counting down. and 1 hr 15mins more before i can get out from dis school.

haha. ystdae sch's dismissal was at 2.30 due to the prefects' investiture but guess what? i left at 1.35pm as soon as i saw the back gate opened. and de lady school keeper gave me the 'how-come-she-leave-sch-early' look. she must be wondering. well,i returned her the innocent, pathetic look to save myself from getting into deep shit. niwae, sab was on MC ystdae, so i just took the plunge. Boring. with capital B. today, im left alone again. sab's having a 2 days MC, which included ystdae. LONG wkend huh.. basket.

p/s: i wanna go to the Body world's exhibitn. Die die must go.
p.p/s: me and sab have lost wt. tts a gd sign. thx to the canteen in school for selling de 'delicious, nicest, fantastic' food we ever came across.
Note: those adjectives are in inverted commas.

Now im hungry.

:: ffy 12:57pm ::


Thursday, February 26, 2004

finally..a new skin. phewww.
been few daes ive been bz in the kitchen at hm preparing meals. the last few daes made pizza and ystdae i cOOked macaroni sOup. mUm said it was Ok. well, her Ok means aCceptable.

it was a heCtiC day in sChOOl ystdae as i had tO relief 3 classes fOr praCtiCals. the girls were etremely hyperaCtive and exCited as we tOOk Over their classes sinCe their hOmeC teacher was On leave. as yOu knOw, whiCh stUdents dOesnt like new and yOung teaChers?? : )

till nOw, the net's at hm is yet tO be dOne.. i prOcrastinate.

:: ffy 10:24am ::


Monday, February 23, 2004

mind's tOO Occupied with the mess ive dOne. trying tO resOlve bUt all i can dO is sigh. well faCt's still faCt. im UnsUre as hOw dO i tell myself tt happiness can't be shared. its hUrting deep inside, i feel like ripping my hair Off. ive been pUtting a mask tt cOvers every inCh Of my expressiOns when i knOw i cldnt hide thOse feelings. it was all an aCt tt ive pUt Up. i missed the smiles we exChnged On every meet Ups. tt jUst make Our day. bUt at the baCk Of my head, i was in deep thOughts. Guilty, fUll Of qn marks, mixed feelings.. BUT nonetherless its all abt LOVE.

can we just get a life away frOm here?
missing pillar.

:: ffy 11:32am ::


here's a great deal for me. after attachment on 12th march, we're sUppOsed tO have a wk's break and be baCk tO tp fOr lessOns. BUT THEN, we were infOrmed last sat, dUring Our last On campUs disCussiOn tt we have tO retUrn straight tO TP on the 15th. geesszzz. we were fUming MAD. On the brighter side, we have a max Of 3 days per wk Of lessOns Only. mine will be jUst 2 days. LONG day i mean, mOn 9-6.30pm and tUes 9-4.30pm. these chnges are dUe tO the shOrt periOd Of term, thUs the lessOns are extended. gUess i have tO Cancel my mOn's tUitiOn and add the hrs fOr wed and fri. can can. tt settles it. add tO it dUring the sChOOl's hOls in May, i have tO attend 13 days Of Arts AppreciatiOn's lessOns. again, nO break at all. *sigh*. i wanna gO hOliday!!! tt means i have tO wait fOr the next sem's hOls. Uwahhhh. yet tO find a new layOut. *headaChes*. the layOut's getting dUll... eeeeee.

:: ffy 11:12am ::


Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Subject: Bahasa Melayu Dulu Dan Sekarang ---- Damn Kelakar!

Bahagian A adalah cara percakapan semasa zaman diraja.
Bahagian B pula zaman sekarang dan
Bahagian C pula cara perbualan budak2 remaja zaman sekarang

A) Ingin hamba sampaikan bahawa sesungguhnya memadailah dengan hanya menepuk di bahagian anggota tanpa meninggalkan kesan.
B) Saya ingin nasihatkan awak kalau nak pukul, jangan sampai ada bekas
C) Wa cakap sama lu ...lu kalau mao kropok dia...lu kropok jangan kasi lebam beb

A) Sungguh mengecewakan peradaban tuan hamba didepan majlis ini.
B) Kurang ajar sungguh awak nie
C) Oi Kakak kao punyer laki ahhh! Kong ajar eh? Babi punyer budak!

A) Sesungguhnya hamba masih mengharap balasan kasih dari tuan hamba... akan tetapi, hamba tidak ingin memaksa tuan hamba untuk membuat keputusan.
B) Cinta aku belum lagi berbalas...berilah aku peluang kali ini untuk mengisi ruang hati mu.
C) Beb....wa takmu jiwa-jiwa sama lu...tapi wa suah cintan rabak sama lu...wa takut wa takleh tahan nanti wa terDugong..plse ahhhhh.

A) Sayugia diingatkan bahawa sesungguhnya tarikh masuknya permulaan bulan syawal ialah esok...dari itu hari ini merupakan hari penggenap Ramadan.
B) Di sini diumumkan bahawa besok kita akan menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri
C) Oi!!!!!! Besok dah tak payah poser! Yeaaahhooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

A) Adalah menjadi harapan hamba sekiranya dapat hamba bersama-sama tuan sekelian ke majlis keramaian itu kelak.
B) Saya ingin bersama-sama anda ke majlis itu...boleh tak?
C) Hoi penyapu! Korang tunggu aku tau...aku pun nak ikot.

A) Barangsiapa yg telah dgn tanpa segan dan silu melakukan sesuatu kemungkaran...maka..atas dirinya akan dibalas kemungkaran.
B) Siapa yg berbuat jahat akan dihukum
C) Sapa yg tunjok terer kat sini aku kompang sampai mati..bedek takde....jgn memain dgn aku hah.

A) Sungguh menakjubkan kesaktian yg ada atas empunya diri.
B) Dia sungguh hebat sekali
C) Mak kao! Pawer siol!

A) Adalah menjadi kemusykilan bagi diri hamba tentang perkara yg telah diketengahkan
B) Apakah maksud anda?.Boleh tolong jelaskan?
C) Oi! Wat you talking?...say poply hah...


2 days raCking my brain and finally ive cOmpleted the setting Of my seC 4's praCtical wksheets fOr this fri. add tO tt, ive tO demOnstrate the girls On the teChniqUes of making rOugh pUff pastry whiCh been 4yrs sinCe ive last dOne tt baCk in seC sCh.. *time tO brUsh up*. they'll be making chiCken pie. *yum yum*. still deCiding if i shld tUtOr my nephew every thUr and fri.. by then, i'll be having 3 stUdents and gUess tt shall OccUpy my time. i still have few hrs tO think abt the Offer b4 i call Up my cOusin.

sUrprisingly,when i was in TP, i still have the energy tO stay Out late after a lOng day in sCh. bUt nOw, its been a ritUal fOr me tO head hm straight after sCh when i had nO tUitiOns. tts de beaUty Of having the attaChment, being a filial daUghter. till den, i wanna head tO the canteen fOr bkfast.

:: ffy 09:08am ::


Tuesday, February 17, 2004

cOndUcted a praCtiCal lessOn fOr 1C ystdae On apple crUmble again. the reCipes, the steps and the xplanatiOns are at my fingertips nOw. lOst cOunt as tO hOw many classes ive cOndUcted On tt praCtiCal. made extra fOr my stUdent sinCe i had tUitiOn ystdae.well, she lUvs it and asked fOr mOre. wOnder when will i get my ass in the kitChen and start preparing meals? the Only kitChen will be de sChOol's. *grinz*.

missing u,
the lingering perfUme,
the smiles and laUghter
:: ffy 08:10am ::


Friday, February 13, 2004

tired it was on wed handling 2 classes, ie. sec 2B and 3D for 6 periOds of praCtical. after whiCh had 2tiOn, leaving me half dead. drOpped by my aUnt's plC whiCh was nearby tO rest and fill my grOwling stOmaCh. its been my 2nd hm. my sleepless night reOccured again last night, having me tO wake Up thriCe in de midst of my sleep. i was restless and my whOle bOdy weakened. i felt like breaking dOwn. bUt hOld baCk de tears.. and msged pillar while getting myself a cUp Of plain water. i miss pillar and de meet Ups in faCt bUt jUst gOtta hOld baCk tt feeling.

till nOw, i can still feel de tiredness frOm wed's wOrklOad and add tO tt, my stOmaCh's been creating prObs lately. tOo plain lazy tO wk bUt i have tO. need tO prepare fOr de Upper seC's praCtiCal wksheets On fats in pastries have them cOndUcted nxt wk. will be a lOng and bz wkend. sUffer nOw Or la8. have a gd Fri de 13th peeps.

:: ffy 10:40am ::


Tuesday, February 10, 2004

been 1 wk sinCe im MIA. lOtsa things happened. i shan't say mUch. well, de internet's still nOt up yet. cOs im prOcrastinating. i learnt sOmething new last nite while lazing in bed. i was meddling with the GPRS when i cOuld aCtUally aCcess the blOggies jUst like de net. hahahaha. gUndU me. exCept tt i cant tag lah. tts de disadvantage.

niwae i MISS U ppl. till den.. when my net's dOctOred. i'll be baCk.

:: ffy 08:30 am ::


Tuesday, February 03, 2004

its driving me nUts wO internet cOnneCtn at hm..called Up singnet, dey asked me tO gO dOwn tO HELLO shOp fOr the cd-rOm..and when i head dOwntOwn, i was tOld tt AVS cOmpUter sVc handled sUch cases..nOw everyOne's pUshing the blame tO eaCh Other..grrrrrr. *headaChe*.

and cOndUCting Sec 1D's praCtiCal class 2dae was mUch better than the rest Of the Other Sec 1s. managed tO wrap up the class On time. heading hOme sOOn in half an hr's time thOugh dismissal's at 2.10pm. me and Sab are experts at cabUt-ing. hehehe.

:: ffy 1:02pm ::



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The current mood of biskutchipz@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

iSzZie's HER ALTER EGO, FFy's THE LAST 3 ALPHA's OF HER NAME. a year older every 22nd September. EDUCATOR. 2 diplomas graduand. SCRAMBLERS HER 1ST LOVE. passport to 2B and perhaps 3. PROCRASTINATOR. perfectionist. FICKLE - MINDED. hearts DEE who celebrates his birthday 1 day before her. FAMILY GIRL. and i live to eat.

My diary, my words, my thoughts, my place to bitch, whine, moan, dream, think, feel, cuss, do whatever I like, pretty much. Dont like it? Click the X in the corner. Thank you very much. all content at tweenie@FFy©. You are free to come and go.



Bangkok Trip, 4th-8th June 2004
My Multiply

A 3G phone
Samsung D500C
T610 Ericcsson
Samsung E600
New Pc/Laptop
Bike Licence
3rd Rebonding
All in 1 printer
A Degree


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