"sesungguhnye sape mkn chewing gum, dier lah rasa getahnye".. heh. walau pun tadi aku cakap 'BYE CHEEBYE' pat MSN, at least aku ada gak tegur.. tak mau terasa ah babe..
dan aku tak terasa walau sepedas mana kata-kata kau pun makcik..(marah betul eh kau). ade org dah salah langgar wire makcik kiter nie.. tu lah, mak(aku) dah kata, makin ramai kwn, makin pening-pening lalat lah nampaknye. jadik mcm aku, relek satu korner, makan kuaci..acah je. (ingat aku hamster pe). jgn marah-marah, nanti bertambah lagi kedut-kedut kau.. *TARIK NAFAS PANJANG-PANJANG*
sebagai manusia dan PEREMPUAN MELAYU terakhir, kiter seharusnye ade etika.. jangan sampai jadi bahan mulut org dengan perbuatan kiter. biar muka hodoh, tapi hati dan budi pekerti kiter mesti dijaga.. kan kan makcik?? mak aku selalu ingatkan aku ni. al-maklum lah mak aku ni singa lapar. garang nak mampus. tapi sekarang dier dah chill, sal aku ni kan dah besar. takkan dier nak mengamuk je dgn aku 24/7.. aku bley sakit jiwa nanti. sebab tu aku makin SAYAAAANNNGGGG mak aku ni. nak syg sape lagik kan.
aku taknak melalut ah pjg-pjg. nanti macam si DEE aku tu cakap, 'membebel je'. mak aku membebel je aku dah takley tahan. sendiri mau ingat ah, umur makin meningkat, begitu gak dgn pemikiran kiter. kiter bukan hidup sorang dlm dunia nie, jadik kiter kena gak jage ati dan perasaan org lain. aku tak ckp aku nie baik semanusia mana pun, tapi aku ade gak ubah cara idup aku. mana lah tau ade org tak suka aku begini, tak suka aku begitu. jadik pandai-pandai lah sesuaikan diri.
kwn mmg ramai, tapi jgn salah pilih sua. nanti kwn mkn kwn susah plak. ni nasihat je. nak trima ke taknak trima, terpulang. aku dah byk mkn garam sgt sampai ade hypertension (bedek). dah terlampau byk sgt aku tempuhi. jadik aku amik ni semua sebagai pengajaran. jgn sampai terantuk, baru nak sedar. aku tinggal nak ketawa je. *evil laughter*. dahlah, makin aku ckp nanti makin tak abis keje aku.. *chill mau lebih makcik.. minum kopi pun cantik*.
:: ffy 11:44pm ::
Saturday, September 24, 2005
and she, sent an sms dedication on air a day before my birthday. thank you my fren; for the 14yrs of friendship.
MENTOS. mamee. drinks. Van Houten chocolates. heart-shaped Andersen's chocolateice-cream cake.
THANK YOU DARLS for making my 21st birthday a memorable one despite the hectic schedule and tonnes of workload. im still curious as to when you girls started planning the suprise mini party. sooooo much time to spare huh?? I HEART YOU THREESOME. and definitely i was embarrassed when i was made to walk blindfolded in school and shedding tears of joy in the presence of you girls. nonetherless, the mini party was FUN and had suddenly made me feel young again. THANK YOU FOR THE EFFORT, TIME and BUCKS spent to make my 21st birthday an unforgettable day of my life. THANK YOU.
i loveeeeee this the most. will frame it up.
the birthday gifts from the 3some.
she (Cam) sure knows this is my favourite 925 silver shop
she (Malz) gave this; very cute and furry
she (Nad) got me a bling-bling on the wrist
mum's very thoughtful; 3 in 1 birthday cake
the bf shocked me with this off-shoulder black top. 1st time he bought me an apparel. i look minah-fied but this is sure a shocking birthday gift from him. while i got him a Zippo lighter and Levi's ???. we had our birthday celebration at Swensen's. no clubbing, no late nights and its just simplicity. thanks to the overwhelming tiredness and sleepless nights due to nvrending assignments.
thank you for all the well wishes from the family, relatives, friends and bf. the gifts as well. being 21 adds more responsibility and commitment towards the family and career.
p/s: waiting for Cam to upload the mini birthday party pictures from her dgcam. will post the pictures when i get hold of them.
:: ffy 04:15pm ::
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
A SHOUT OUT TO U PAKCIK, HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY.. LESS THAN 24 HOURS AND IT WILL BE MY 21st BIRTHDAY THEN.. I hope my birthday wish does come true.
today marks 3yrs 10mths and WE are STILL surviving.
ive tonnes to blog abt but im pretty BUSY and DOWN with LOADS of assignments. i guess this is my worst birthday. the assignments are the BEST gifts ive ever received. thank you NIE. hehh till then...
:: ffy 12:23am ::
Sunday, September 04, 2005
"lagi baik ar kau tak gi hrc..nanti kau minum..kau mabuk nanti sapa nak angkat".
Quoted: Risa
im a woman, a human. to err is human, to forgive is divine. but someone just don't appreciate tt.
i need fags more than drinks.
:: ffy 10:20pm ::
to dear you,
im not trying to gain anyone's sympathy in here. HONESTLY. i have no reasons for that. neither do i wanna embarrass myself and the life im leading now. i just have noone to turn to. not MUM definitely. this is where i can only rant and pour my heart content out. i bottled my feelings up way toooo much that i can feel the pain right now. i cry to sleep at times. im depressed. i want to love and be loved. im not materialistic nor calculative. i just want to be heard. ive changed. patience has been part of my life. so are you. what else might have gone wrong? yessss...women are sensitive. if not why are they called woman in the 1st place? did i ever ask toooo much from you?
is this my retribution for what i did back then? if yes, ive gotten my karma and suffered enough. u have more for me? put yourself in my freaking shoes. my ego may be as big as my head but i tried not to show you that. im a WOMAN for gdness sake, so treat me like ONE. i HAVE feelings just like you. don't do to others if you don't want to suffer the same fate. are you taking advantage of my soft-heartedness that you forgot who i am to you? i don't give a DAMN of what they did (do) to me. as a matter of fact, its you that im bothered with. your attitude and treatment towards me. do your checklist.
please don't run away from reality. till when will you be able to face up to everything? did you achieve anything from doing so? i need someone to take care of me and my feelings for the rest of his life. what i did (do) to deserve this unfairness? when i looked back, i was reminded of the history; which i had never asked for. i was hoping that you will be able to erase my past but the wounds still leave a scar. if only you play a part as someone that really care and love me. you changed tremendously and i couldn't keep up with the pace. if you really mean every single words that you utter to me, you would back them up with actions. but i couldn't detect any. if only i can cut open my heart and let you see how BADLY my heart is bleeding.
ive done enough for you and said my part. i don't know what im lacking. when you made me fall, it wasn't you who pick me up. i kept falling time and again, yet you simply act ignorance. while you, i stood by you even when the dessert storms hit us. what must i do to open up your eyes and heart wide? shall i take my leave then just to make you learn? never regret one day if im gone with the wind. one is enough. i guess this IS retribution. not ONLY from you. even if i shed blood tears, you would still not realise my predicament. thank you for the joy and love you shower me. rofi said it all, those born on the same month just couldn't get along well. u prove it right.
P/S: if you happen to read this, you will think im making a big hoohaa and washing our dirty linen in public. to assure you, im NOT. i just need a confidante. i would have probably kill myself if my mind had went haywired. you may think and say im crazy but ask yourself who, what, when, where, why and how that put me in this depressing situation. no wonder they say girls matured faster than guys.
I should have just went out earlier with Risa..and now Nad wants me for HRC. the people that will make you sane are your gfs. and my pillar. at times.
:: ffy 08:03pm ::
Saturday, September 03, 2005
thursday was a helluva and havoc outing. rofi, u rawk babe. we painted the town red till 11pm and had the MOST awesome dessert that i ever had; MUDPIE at Coffee Club Millenia Walk. romantic ambience and the best place to chill out. i shall spend my bdae there. a MUST.
sinful dessert it is. yummilicious and addictive. with fudge topping. definitely worth our 7 bux.
and yes, we were camwhores for the day. been 3mths+ since we've last met and i missed tt bitch of mine. with fags in our control, the bitches had a BIG time gossipping. and confiding.
R to the Fi to the Ya to the Na=Rofiana
S to the Ffy=Suffy
we we 'lost'in the pix.. thank you my bitch for introducing me to the MudPie..and the kopi session. though you never knew the existence of this blog, i extend my heartiest THANK YOUs for the company.
:: ffy 02:05am ::
iSzZie's HER ALTER EGO, FFy's THE LAST 3 ALPHA's OF HER NAME. a year older every 22nd September. EDUCATOR. 2 diplomas graduand. SCRAMBLERS HER 1ST LOVE. passport to 2B and perhaps 3. PROCRASTINATOR. perfectionist.
FICKLE - MINDED. hearts DEE who celebrates his birthday 1 day before her. FAMILY GIRL. and i live to eat.
A 3G phone Samsung D500C N6610 T610 Ericcsson Samsung E600 New Pc/Laptop DGcam
Scrambler Bike Licence 3rd Rebonding Mp3 All in 1 printer Graduation A Degree