its a living hell for me this wk. too many datelines to meet. terribly dead beat. but still manage to fork out an hr ystdae for the MNG sale at TM. not much variety i must say. i wonder hows ngee ann ct MNG's doing. those were the days when i helped out my aunt there. miss hanging out with those 2 new found kakis whom i befriended. its been a yr yet we still kept in touch. how time flies. and i managed to grab the BIG beach beg from FOX. carrying tt beg to school was like as if i had run away from hm.
9 buckaroos fox beg FOX logo
:: ffy 11:45pm ::
Monday, June 28, 2004
im SO in lone with Keane's Everybodys Changing. jeng jeng jeng. all thx to Kak Hana.and i was flattered by someone's comment on my weight lost. believe it or not. it was none other than my lecturer. she added tt i was so much slimmer. uhhh thank you. thank you. no wonder i needed a belt for my hipsters. for once i wont be feeling fat anymore. im on cloud 9.
pay day in few hrs time and im always the one lagging. the reason being, im using UOB instead of POSB. like duhhh. im saving up for a new hp, yet again. surprisingly, i cant deny tt i will always pamper myself with a new hp on my birthdays. see, all in all ive chnged hps 8 times. not forgetting those numerous changing of hp numbers.
:: ffy 10:20pm ::
Saturday, June 26, 2004
its REALLY a killer and i loathe the fact tt i have to dig out my past sem notes just to have tt tinyweenie bits of information needed for my food ingredient assignment. tt 2 yrs (read: 4 sems) notes have already chalk up to one and a half of those IKEA cardboard boxes. its HIGH time tt i get them sorted out again, when time permits me to.
being and getting cranky is my forte. this final yr is crucial and damn important for me. twas, i definitely bet with myself tt i will get twice as tense and stress up than the 2yrs previously. for i just did earlier. and i trust myself tt shedding off few kilos will be resulted from lack of consumption due to skipping of meals. with addition, starting next wk, i'll be tutoring tt 2 students of mine from mon-fri. *pulls hair*. where on earth will i able to find time for myself, practicals and meet ups??
speaking of which, this aftn was my VERY EVER 1st time i did my practical on a wkend. i dont practise such timing cos all my practicals were done mostly on wkdays. will proceed with the circuit revision (min=3 times) before booking pract 5. rtt's on the 5th july and hoping tt i'll sail thru the journey with ease. *prays hard*.
:: ffy 11:13pm ::
listening to: 2play - So confused.
im tempted to club. when? who? where? and my mind's clogging. very tired indeed. got hm an hr ago. imagine, travelling from wdlds to sch this mrng and afterwhich head down to ssdc for my rtt revision in the evng. from one end to the other. determining and perservering to complete the 2B. the 2 days at school was well spent with the girls. my bitches. for the wk has been a roller coaster ride for me. its wonderful to be back foursome. *cheers*. wishing tt the years ahead will just remain as it is now.
tried my chinese gf's sp in the sch carpack and it was a thrill. now im even more determined to have tt licence. mush has her 2B and 2A. now in de midst of taking her class 2. tt gerl's sure a fast game. and i take my hat off her. i guess my course's de only one who has 3 female riders and 2 (incldg me) in de process of being one. accumulated, there gonna be 5 riders. dont mention what happened to the male species. cos there's only 2 guys in my cohort and none rides. they drive instead. i sure cant imagine how these 2 guys did their teachings during the attachment.
im losing my head over you
:: ffy 12:00am ::
Friday, June 25, 2004
im feeling rather cranky. mixed feelings. and i simply detest these. lifeless. hectic. having to juggle with what nots. school, bike license, home, the rships, tuitions. its only been the 1st wk of sch, but i really needed another break. tonnes of projects and group meetings awaiting me. one more semester to go and i'll fly off to NIE nxt yr. *insya allah*. i really need food now for sure. LOADS of them to be precise. cos tts how i vent my anger and crappy moods. pass me what u have pls.
:: ffy 12:37am ::
Thursday, June 24, 2004
23.06.2004, 15:36:45
hmm. i have to be honest. u really do look sweet in that. bu jokes aside, are u ally serious abt the things that u need? if they are, maybe u can look at how can u achieve that. Dreams are a direction that we should work towards. Not to left untouche
Hey There
23.06.2004, 16:01:55
I'm sure Iszzie is trying to achive her dreams. Let her concentrate on her studies. And do remember, she got parents and bro to support. Sure she noes what she want to do in life.
Hey There
23.06.2004, 16:09:12
If a person one to achieve something, he or she have to be patient mah. Whats the rush, Faizal? Wah liao...
24.06.2004, 02:20:41
IP: hmmm so far in my 'craving' list,ive managed 2 own parts of it.doesnt it shows tt i didnt leave it untouched?sooner or la8 im sure i'll own all of it..patience is a great virtue..n i have my priorities too..
24.06.2004, 02:27:40
and ms/mr hey there, thx for speaking ur mind for me..and yes,im trying to achieve my dreams.but den again,i have other commitments too..n all dis involves $$$. wif de current status,my bursary is not even sufficient to accomodate all dis..
pertaining to the tags as shown above, this is one hot issue tt i wish to indulge in. well,ive spoken my mind as mentioned. and do i need to say more? maybe, im as slow as a snail. and should quicken my pace. so tt only my direction towards my dreams can be achieved pronto? but at least, i dont leave it untouched. PERIOD.
Sunday, June 20, 2004
i was pathetically bored the whole day and so i digged for some buried treasure in my wardrobe. but came upon by chance my cousin's wedding album which was held last yr in December. armed with my dgcam, i decided to snap the chosen ones cos i think i look sweet in them. *grinsss*. so lets peek a boo.
left-right: radiah, me, adeQ (radiah's sis) we studied in the same poly, major in the same faculty. now rad's in NIE couples the 4 cuzzins. i missed my long hair!! i vow not to cut animore. at all. the granny and her granchildren with the newly wed couple. the bride, rad and me are of the same age. the groom is 20yrs our senior. luv is indeed blind with the bride. we used to have outings/clubbings together. and we still do. in the next throne. rad and rezal. march 2005. she'll be only 21 by then.
::ffy 08:15pm ::
thirsty. back pain. foul mood. grumpy. crappy.
the monthly disease's back. an assurance tt i'll be having sleepless nights. and cravings too. do step back before you trip my wire. cos i can be REAL NASTY. which is uncalled for.
now i have a sudden craving for kway teow kerang at Habibie.
:: ffy 01:05am ::
Saturday, June 19, 2004
after so much of procrastinating (READ: yes i am, to the extreme), hours and hours of editting + uploading, im now glad to serve all of you my plates of 83 Bangkok trip photos.
im aching all over with some blue blacks on my leg owing to the fact tt i fell off from the bike while doing my test route in de crank course. *unbelievable*. unexpectedly + surprisingly too, 4 of us, coincidentally all Malays, tt did pract 4 part II, had to retake. reason being? i shan't mention in here. to each his own. *BIASED*.
now i need my REAL BEAUTYsleep. and i cant accept the fact tt im returning to school on de 21st. *geesszz*. i need more HOLIDAYS. and WAKING UP LATE.
in fact i missed these (in order of degree) :
1. my late aunt. SITI SARNA. shes my everything.
2. my night life & clubbing days. i need to loosen myself.
3. my secondary school days. growing up days.
4. my mum's cooking. believe it or not, she has stopped cooking.
5. my picnic & ice skating days with mum's side.
6. eating fish & chip.
in reality, i need/need to do these (in order of priority) :
1. save up each & every bit of my bursary. die die have to. in order to achieve as followed -
2. getting a bdae gift for the 23rd july bdae baby.
3. 4th rebonding. de 3rd session wasnt satisfying.
4. fulfilling my wish list.
5. a car licence. prolly afta getting a bike.
6. a car. when i have enough savings. for family transportation.
and above all, most importantly, i NEED and MUST SUPPORT my PARENTS.
:: ffy 04:45am ::
Thursday, June 17, 2004
been snuggling in bed at the corner of my room for the past 2 days in total darkness. reminiscing. i only had 'Seperti Dulu' accompanying me. reminds me of what-say-you. all it takes is a text msg. but i refrained. prolly had too much EGO juice afterall.
a good sign tt sch reopens earlier. i need tt distraction. or perhaps another getaway. shld have stayed longer during the vacation.
if only, if only, amnesia just hit me. PAST. PRESENT. PHUTURE. 'PAST' should not have existed in the dictionary. but what are PRESENT and PHUTURE wo de PAST.
i may run but i can never hide. how long will i have to be on the run?
all i need is Y-O-U. pronto!
:: ffy 10:15pm ::
after numerous numbers of trying, i finally got a review of my time table. a cock up timetable to be exact. with a few subjects clashing. nonetherless, i hope tomorrow's academic advising will clarify everything. left with 3 more freaking days to enjoy and have a gd, plenty of rest before sch reopens on de 21st. *sighhhhh*.
now i gotta REALLY reschedule my tuitions and bike timetable. since the timing for school is unfavourable to have the tuitions at the normal time. *REAL HEADACHE*. how fast time flies. in my final yr at present and insya allah NIE nxt yr aug.
:: ffy 04:15pm ::
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Wednesday, June 16, 2004 ...
Dear Iszzie,
yupz i saw the bike accident before my very own eyes!! it was damn scary! belum sempat nak duduk kat kerusi, order air pun belum, i was shocked by the sound of a loud bang and something crashin on the ground! gawd!! when i turned my gaze towards the main road, suddenly i went blank and open-mouthed! i stood up immediately and saw a Skipper skidded on the road.. he tot he could rembat past the red light but somehow or rather i think he hesitated and did the E-BREAK suddenly. a blue saloon car who was drivin behind him tot he could make it past coz the rider was speedin all tha way even when the light started to change amber!! so apa lagi! he was shocked too when the rider suddenly stop! not enuff time to react.. he had to do an E-BREAK too causin him to hit directly on the back of the bike!
it was a very hard impact coz the rider was flung out frm his bike and onto the road and his female pillion rider was dragged down together wif the bike!! yikes!!! she was swirlin wif the bike for quite a while before it stopped in the middle of the junction!!!! omigod! i could see her in clear view when her head just dropped to one side! and it really sent shivers down to my spine!! i was numb for a while!! coz i had the same accident too... but luckily i was unhurt! only some bruises on my knees and elbows!! so die die no more ridin on bikes!
so Iszzie please do BE EXTRA CAREFUL while u're on the road nanti, ok dear?
anyway i just hope and pray dat she's allrite.
|| 5:59:53 AM || (4) gave me their REASONS! |||
*extracted from trina's* trin..ur entry left a big impact on me. oh it does SCARES me. i dont know how well im gonna take this. *pondering*
today is ystdae's tommorrow.
ive cast away the YSTDAE and holding on strong to the PRESENT. cos i can never predict the FUTURE. but the PRESENT is too much for me to shoulder it myself. and im too impatient to make the FUTURE into reality. i dont want to plan. yet the inner me kept urging.
ive always let my head ruled by the heart. cos ive lack control over it. i aint foolish but just succumbing to love. love is such a wonder.
no matter how long it'll take, i'll try to forgo what's not meant to be mine.
:: ffy 09:20pm ::
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
come and take a closer look what ive got here for you ppl.. say 'eeeeeeeeee' with me. haha. i wonder what we did to deserve this little visitor at hm. cant blame tt our haven's located on the second floor. but mum's VERY particular abt cleanliness. i guess MR Lizzy needs a hm..
hey lizzy lizzy
:: ffy 01:13am ::
Sunday, June 13, 2004
savour these pictures of the items i bought during the trip to BKK while i go and search for the time to upload the rest of the many pictures. all i can say is, i can shop till i drop for 5 days were never enough.
all mine de pair of shirts i bought for darl and bf the fox's shirts do stand out among the rest thai silk shawl for Dee's mum not all are mine. except for the black and white adidas tops and de halter neck my footwear. i chose dis for mummy dearest
:: ffy 10:30pm ::
blog's in de midst of revamping. so bear with me yah.
Friday, June 11, 2004
am back for good. bkk's trip was fabolous, but burnt a hole in my pocket. spent over the budget tt ive set aside for de trip. reason being, we went shopping everyday. wat do ya expect. cheap and nice stuffs. i just cant resist them for sure. nonetherless, tt 5 days destressed me from thinking back of the events at home for a moment. but home's still the best plc ever. i was impatient to get back and do my rebonding, so i splurge $45 to have it done there. the result? well, frankly, having it done here will be satisfying but at least my hair now doesnt look like a 'singa lapar' (hungry lion).
now, its time to get back on my bike practicals and get ready for the new term and rtt. *hectic*
p/s: as for the pics, will upload when im not lazy. hurhur.. i am tt lazy
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
on hiatus till im ready to face the complication. meanwhile have a break have a kit kat.
im flying on a jetplane for BKK trip from 4th-9th june. so dont miss me. but i'll miss u. especially U.
*blow her kisses to all of u*
iSzZie's HER ALTER EGO, FFy's THE LAST 3 ALPHA's OF HER NAME. a year older every 22nd September. EDUCATOR. 2 diplomas graduand. SCRAMBLERS HER 1ST LOVE. passport to 2B and perhaps 3. PROCRASTINATOR. perfectionist.
FICKLE - MINDED. hearts DEE who celebrates his birthday 1 day before her. FAMILY GIRL. and i live to eat.
A 3G phone Samsung D500C N6610 T610 Ericcsson Samsung E600 New Pc/Laptop DGcam
Scrambler Bike Licence 3rd Rebonding Mp3 All in 1 printer Graduation A Degree